7 Supplements You Should Be Taking Daily

Nutrient deficiencies are problems we all may face - and they are becoming more and more common. Keep reading to find out the top 7 vitamins and minerals everyone should be taking, and if you want personalized supplements based on your unique needs, take the 2-Minute UMZU Supplement Quiz

A black and white photo of a rock formation.



46% are deficient.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient, meaning we must get it from our diets or supplements. Magnesium is best known for bone health and energy, but this mineral can also help support:

  • Nervous system health†

  • A healthy stress response†

  • Sleep†

  • Muscle and nerve function†

  • Healthy blood sugar levels†

  • Protein, bone and DNA†

A woman drinking a liquid from a syringe.


Vitamin D

74% are deficient.

Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is important for bone health. Getting enough Vitamin D daily can help support:

  • A healthy immune system†

  • Health of the bones†

  • Hair†

One can acquire an adequate amount of Vitamin D from diet and just 15 minutes of sunlight - but the reality remains that over 40% of Americans don't even get those 15 minutes, and its lack of prevalence in food exacerbates the issue.

A slice of orange on a white surface.


Vitamin C

31% are deficient.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning your body cannot produce it and we must get Vitamin C from outside sources like diet or supplementation. The benefits of an adequate amount of Vitamin C may include:

  • A healthy immune system†

  • Healthy blood pressure†

  • A healthy heart†

  • Adequate iron levels†

  • Memory and cognitive health†

A stack of rocks on top of a white box.



~16% are deficient.

Zinc may be lower in people who are older or are under high stress.† Zinc supports the immune system and helps you process carbs, proteins and fats for energy.

The American diet is not rich in Zinc and the body cannot store Zinc, so Zinc remains high on our list of supplements everyone should take daily.

A pile of yellow powder on a white background.


B Vitamins

~5% are deficient.

The B-vitamin complex is made up of eight vitamins who work together to create and sustain our body’s energy supply by breaking down the micronutrients we consume (fats, proteins, carbs).

Each has a specialized role, too. For example, Vitamin B-12 works to keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vegan or vegetarians are prone to vitamin B-12 deficiency because most food sources are animal-based like meat, poultry, fish, and eggs.

A close up of a blue and white surface.



Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when ingested, provide a health benefit.

The complex community of microorganisms in your gut is called the gut flora, gut microbiota, or gut microbiome.

Surprisingly, the metabolic activities of your gut flora resemble those of an organ. For this reason, some scientists refer to the gut flora as the “forgotten organ”.

Your gut flora performs many important health functions:

  • Manufacturing vitamins, including vitamin K and some of the B vitamins

  • Turning fibers into short-chain fats like butyrate, propionate and acetate, which feed your fut wall and perform many metabolic functions.

  • These fats also support your immune health and gut wall. This may help prevent unwanted substances from entering your body.

Your gut flora is highly sensitive to your diet.

Two white eggs in a wooden box next to one white egg on a wooden spoon on a beige background.



92% are deficient.

Choline is our final essential nutrient, meaning we also must get choline from outside sources like diet or supplementation. Choline plays important roles in the human body, including:

  • Cell structure†

  • Cell messaging†

  • Fat transport and metabolism†

  • DNA synthesis†

  • Nervous system health†

The Best Route is to Make Supplementation Personal

We all have unique lives, diets and environments, which makes generalizing the vitamins and minerals you should be supplementing with more difficult. The above list is a great place to start, but if you are looking for personalized recommendations based on your unique needs, take the 2-Minute UMZU Supplement Quiz to find the exact UMZU supplements that fit your needs.