What is fat?

First, let’s set one thing straight… Fat is not bad. Fat, also known as adipose tissue, is necessary for the survival of the human body.

Medical illustration of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.


Fat is not the enemy.

Without a certain amount of fat protecting our organs and other internal structures, we would quickly die due to an inability to regulate body temperature and perform various bodily functions properly.

There are two locations in your body where fat can be found:

  • Subcutaneous - fat that is stored right under your skin.

  • Visceral - fat that is stored around your organs.

In addition, there are multiple types of fat cells in the human body; however, there are two that you must understand:

Medical illustration of a white fat cell


White fat

  • White fat is the type of fat you are trying to get off of your body. White fat cells store excess energy that could be needed for later. White fat contributes to your hormonal profile, regulating the amount of estrogen, cortisol, insulin, leptin and growth hormone you have in your body.

  • White fat is not the enemy - excessive white fat is the enemy.

  • Excessive white fat increases estrogen and cortisol levels, subsequently lowering levels of leptin and growth hormone. Keeping your levels of white fat in check is key not only to your body image, but to the health of your body as well.

Medical illustration of a brown fat cell


Brown fat

  • Brown fat is used to produce heat. Our actual concentration of brown fat does not change much as we age. We have relatively the same amount of brown fat now as we did when we were infants.

  • Because of its thermogenic properties, a large amount of research is done on converting white fat into brown fat; however, this is not a good way to increase your rate of fat loss. There is not enough research backing this process for us to recommend any method on this website.

  • If you come across any information claiming that brown fat conversion is the secret to fat loss, steer clear as this information is likely based on faulty science.

Weight loss is complex, but nature can help.

10 Supplements That Support Healthy Weight Loss (& Why)

By eliminating micronutrient deficiencies, you ensure your body operates as it should.

Unfortunately, due to our environments and nutrient-void diets, avoiding micronutrient deficiencies is becoming increasingly challenging.

Below is a list of our top recommended supplements for fat loss:

Below, you will find how to implement the supplements above into a daily routine:

Graphic of a chart showing the supplement daily routine for weight loss.Graphic of a chart showing the supplement daily routine for weight loss.

Natural Supplements That Help Support Weight Loss: