The two processes of your metabolism

Our metabolisms are complex - put simply, they have two parts, which are carefully regulated by the body to ensure they remain in balance. You can think of the two as yin and yang - constantly pulling on one another, continually striving for balance.

image of how the catabolic reaction



Catabolism is the breakdown of food components (such as carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fats) into simpler forms, which can then provide energy and the basic building blocks needed for growth and repair (e.g., protein into component amino acids).

When you think catabolism, think digestion. This process takes larger structures like proteins, fats, or tissues and breaks them down into smaller units such as cells or fatty acids. Catabolism occurs when you’re digesting food.

For example, it’s the process that dissolves a piece of bread into simple nutrients your body can use, like glucose (blood sugar). And if your body isn’t getting the food and nutrients it needs to fuel daily living, catabolism is the mechanism that breaks down muscle and fat for energy.

Image of the anabolic reaction



Anabolism is the part of metabolism in which our body is built or repaired. Anabolism requires energy that ultimately comes from our food. When we eat more than we need for daily anabolism, the excess nutrients are typically stored as fat.

Anabolism is the opposite of catabolism: It’s the mechanism that takes smaller units like nutrients, cells, or amino acids and bonds them together to create more significant structures.

One example of anabolism in action is when your body tries to heal a cut. It adds tissue and structures around that wound. It’s also the process involved in a child’s growth and building stronger muscles.

3D render image of the process of catabolism and anabolism


How to improve both processes

Catabolism functions no matter what you give your body. It breaks down food, whether it’s junky or nutritious. Whatever it doesn’t use for energy now, it stores for later.

You can improve the functioning of your catabolic process by ensuring your gut health is proper. Does your body produce the enzymes to break down the food you eat? Is your gut bacteria balance causing inflammation with every new bite of food?

Anabolism is entirely different. It only functions properly when you get enough nutrients through vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Your body needs high-quality building blocks to heal, repair, and grow.

A split image of a woman running and image of a man weight lifting.


Catabolic vs. anabolic exercise

Different types of exercise are considered anabolic or catabolic, depending on whether they use energy to build or break down something.

Catabolic exercises include aerobic activities like running, swimming, and biking. During the activity, they demand more oxygen and energy use - burning glucose and fat.

Anabolic exercises include weight-bearing exercises like weight-lifting, pushups, and squats. Doing these exercises requires very little oxygen and energy use during the activity. However, this type of exercise causes tiny tears in muscle fibers. Your body expends more energy afterward to repair and strengthen the tissue.

The two types of exercise are crucial to supporting a healthy metabolism in your body - it is best to engage in both types.

zuBURN: Leverage the Thermic Effect of Food.

Image of a red chili pepper


What is the Thermic Effect of Food?

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) rises after you eat because you use energy to eat, digest, and metabolize the food you have just eaten. This is called the Thermic Effect of Food or diet-induced thermogenesis.

The rise occurs soon after you start eating and peaks 2 to 3 hours later.

This rise in BMR can range between 2% and 30%, depending on the size of the meal and the types of foods eaten.

Different foods raise BMR by differing amounts. For example

  • Fats raise the BMR 0 to 5%

  • Carbohydrates raise the BMR by 5 to 10%

  • Proteins raise the BMR by 20 to 30%

THE LOOPHOLE: Hot, spicy foods (for example, foods containing chili, horseradish, and mustard) can have a significant thermic effect.

zuBURN leverages the Thermic Effect of Food to help you burn additional calories every day.*

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My husband purchased it for himself and told me how it gave him so much needed energy and had him feeling great the rest of the day. So I had to try it, I tried it the next morning and for sure I was on go for at least 8+hrs. I felt amazing!!

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Thoroughly pleased, I feel more energized and easier to be active longer. I hate eating first thing in the morning, always makes me feel sluggish but this product really helps with that. Looking forward to second bottle.

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While on zuBurn, I noticed my appetite changed where I didn't feel like I wanted an afternoon snack, and didn't need to finish completely all of my meals.

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"With zuBurn I have been able to reduce portion sizes with meals, I have energy to spare, and it has helped me with gut health and staying regular. It is a great supplement if you are looking to kickstart a weight loss plan, or maintain a healthy lifestyle. I can definitely stand by this product."

Kat R.

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