1 Supplement That Can Stop You From Being Cold All The Time

Ever noticed how some folks are always bundled up, regardless of the season, while others are comfortable in shorts even when it's snowing?

Image of a woman taking a supplement


Let's set the stage.

Although a healthy human body typically hovers around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius), individual experiences with temperature can vary widely. So, why are some people always reaching for an extra layer?

Before diving deeper, it's crucial to acknowledge conditions like Raynaud's disease and hypothyroidism, which can lead to feeling perpetually cold.

These conditions require a doctor's insight.

Raynaud's affects circulation, particularly in the extremities, while hypothyroidism slows down the thyroid, impacting your body's temperature regulation.

But what if you're generally healthy and still can't shake off the chill?

Believe it or not, the answer might lie in your diet, particularly in the vitamins and minerals you consume.

Image of B vitamin supplement capsules


B vitamins to the rescue.

The thermostat of our body, the hypothalamus, along with factors like hydration and body composition, influences our thermal comfort.

B vitamins, especially B12, are pivotal in this process.

They're essential for converting food into energy, bolstering the immune system, and more.

A lack of B12 can leave you feeling chilly by impairing your body's ability to produce healthy red blood cells.

Causes of B12 deficiency include dietary gaps, absorption issues, or certain medical conditions.†

Image of a woman wrapped up in a blanket not feeling well.


Other factors.

Ironing Out the Cold: Iron deficiency, or anemia, can also make you more sensitive to cold, leading to symptoms like fatigue and paleness. If you're wrapping up in blankets and still feeling cold, it might be time to talk to a doctor.†

Gender Matters: Interestingly, studies have found that women are more likely to report cold extremities than men, possibly due to differences in body composition and circulation.†

So, if you're often cold, consider your diet and overall health.

A deficiency in key nutrients like B vitamins or iron could be the culprit. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider to pinpoint the issue and find the right solution.

Temperature regulation requires fuel.

7 Nutrients That Can Help You Keep Your Cool (And Warm)

By eliminating micronutrient deficiencies, you ensure your body operates as it should.

Unfortunately, avoiding micronutrient deficiencies is becoming increasingly challenging due to our environments and nutrient-void diets.

Below is a list of our top recommended supplements for aiding the body in achieving homeostasis of body temperature:

Natural Supplements That Help Support Healthy Body Temperature: