5 supplements for heat intolerance

As global temperatures rise, staying cool, especially during those scorching summer days, is more important than ever. Heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, are no joke—they can have severe, even fatal, consequences.

Image of a woman sitting on the floor in front of a fan


The basics of staying cool.

Heat stroke is a critical condition that occurs when your body loses its ability to regulate temperature, leading to a rapid increase in body heat. †

In severe cases, within just 10 to 15 minutes, body temperature can soar to 106°F (41°C), potentially causing lasting damage or death.

To keep cool and prevent overheating, here are a few tips:

  • Opt for light and airy clothing.

  • Cut back on caffeine.

  • Drink plenty of cold fluids to stay hydrated.

  • Try to stay indoors during peak sun hours.

Adding certain supplements to your routine can also help combat heat-related issues. Here are five top picks:

Image of a person pouring electrolyte powder into a glass of water



Why They Help: Electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, are vital for fluid balance and supporting key bodily functions.

Heat Connection: In the heat, you're at risk of dehydration, which zaps crucial electrolytes. Keeping your electrolyte levels balanced helps your body sweat and cool off effectively.

Where to Find Them: While sports drinks are popular, look for lower-processed sugar options to replenish your electrolytes.

Image of foods that contain folic acid


Folic acid.

Why It Helps: Essential for creating DNA and forming red blood cells, folic acid plays a vital role in cell health.

Heat Connection: As we age, our blood flow might decrease, upping our risk for heat-related issues. Folic acid can help keep blood vessels functioning properly, aiding in body temperature regulation.†

Where to Find It: You can get folic acid from leafy greens, fortified foods, or dietary supplements.

Image of foods that contain magnesium



Why It Helps: Involved in over 300 biochemical reactions, magnesium is key for energy production and protein synthesis.

Heat Connection: Studies suggest magnesium is important for regulating body temperature, making it crucial for warding off heat stress, especially with repeated exposure.†

Where to Find It: Look to nuts, seeds, leafy greens, whole grains, and supplements for your magnesium fix.

Image of foods that contain potassium



Why It Helps: As an electrolyte, potassium is vital for the heart, muscles, and nerves, helping to manage fluid balance.

Heat Connection: Those taking diuretics might have lower potassium levels, increasing the risk of heat stroke and heart issues. Potassium supplements can help mitigate these risks.†

Where to Find It: Bananas, oranges, potatoes, and beans are great sources, along with supplements.

Image of foods that contain vitamin e


Vitamin E.

Why It Helps: This antioxidant shields cells from damage, supports the immune system and maintains skin health.

Heat Connection: Vitamin E is known for easing hot flashes during menopause, which could benefit heat tolerance.†

Where to Find It: Get your Vitamin E from nuts, seeds, spinach, and broccoli, or consider a supplement.

Temperature regulation requires fuel.

7 Nutrients That Can Help You Keep Your Cool (And Warm)

By eliminating micronutrient deficiencies, you ensure your body operates as it should.

Unfortunately, avoiding micronutrient deficiencies is becoming increasingly challenging due to our environments and nutrient-void diets.

Below is a list of our top recommended supplements for aiding the body in achieving homeostasis of body temperature:

Natural Supplements That Help Support Healthy Body Temperature: