Fact or Fiction? We Have a Finite Number of Heartbeats

"Do we really only get a certain amount of heartbeats in our life?" This notion, often misattributed to Neil Armstrong, suggests that humans have a finite number of heartbeats. While Armstrong did not endorse this idea, the question remains – is there a connection between heart rate and life expectancy?

Image of a doctor talking to a patient about their heart rate test.


An intriguing relationship.

In a 2013 study, Danish researchers examined nearly 5,200 men over 16 years, revealing an intriguing relationship. Individuals with higher resting heart rates had a greater likelihood of mortality.

  • Those with 71 to 80 beats per minute faced a 51% higher risk of death than those under 50 beats.

  • The risk doubled for rates between 81 to 90 beats...

  • ...and tripled for over 90.

Surprisingly, the correlation persisted even when factoring in fitness and cardiovascular health.

This suggests that the link between heart rate and life expectancy goes beyond physical condition, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy heart.

An image split into 3 sections. 1st section of a woman drinking water. 2nd section is an image of a chicken. And the 3rd section is an image of an elephant.


Is this only the case for humans?

This concept extends beyond humans, as observed in various animal species.

  • Humans, with an average heart rate of 60 to 70 beats per minute, live approximately 70 years, accumulating over 2 billion heartbeats.

  • Chickens, with a faster heart rate of 275 beats per minute, live 15 years, also totaling around 2 billion beats.

  • Whales, with 20 beats per minute, have just under a billion heartbeats, while elephants, with 30 beats per minute, share a similar lifespan and heartbeats.

Image of a woman working out.


It's a relationship, not a rule.

While not an absolute rule, this rough correlation between heart rate and lifespan suggests a connection between "living fast" and "dying young" across different species.

However, it's essential to acknowledge variations within this general pattern.

In conclusion, while a predetermined number of heartbeats is not a strict rule, maintaining a healthy heart through exercise and cardiovascular care remains crucial for promoting longevity and well-being.

So, embrace the benefits of physical activity.

You already know your heart is important. What are you feeding it?

6 Natural Ways to Support Heart Health

Keeping your heart healthy is crucial because the heart plays a central role in maintaining overall well-being.

A healthy heart supports blood flow, energy, endurance, longevity, quality of life and even mental health. Here are a few natural ways to keep your heart healthy at any age:

Natural Heart Health Supplements: