Are you eating too much protein?

Are you one of the many who kickstarts their day with a protein shake or grabs a protein bar post-workout? You're not alone in the belief that your diet might need more protein.

Image of a blender with money inside of it


Protein prevalence.

This misconception is widespread in affluent countries, fueled by aggressive marketing from food companies and some health circles. The protein supplement industry, featuring products derived from whey, casein, or plant-based sources like pea and soy, is booming, generating almost $19 billion in global sales in 2020, with a significant contribution from the U.S. market.

Surgeon Garth Davis, in his book "Proteinaholic," argues that the push for high-protein intake might not be sound advice, noting that protein deficiency is virtually unheard of in the U.S. as long as one's calorie intake is adequate.

Image of a man cutting into meat with a knife.


How much protein do you need?

The reality is that Americans consume nearly double the recommended protein amount.

The baseline requirement is about 0.36 grams per pound of body weight daily—equivalent to a couple of eggs, a half-cup of nuts, and a small serving of meat.

Active individuals may require more, up to 0.86 grams per pound, but exceeding this can strain the kidneys and liver and potentially raise the risk of heart disease.

We recommend around 0.80 grams per pound of body weight daily in your macronutrient split.

Image of a woman putting collagen protein into her cup.


Reconsider your protein supplement.

High-protein diets and many protein-enhanced products, often laden with calories and processed sugars, have been criticized by experts like Harvard's Walter Willett for their health risks. Yet, these supplements remain popular, especially among the younger, healthier demographic who least need them.

Historically, protein has maintained a favorable reputation, unlike fats, carbs, and sugars. From Justus von Liebig's meat extracts in the 1860s to John Harvey Kellogg's promotion of plant proteins, and the emergence of protein shakes in 1952, protein has been a marketing goldmine. The 2000s saw a resurgence in high-protein diets for weight loss, with regimes like the Atkins diet gaining popularity despite the need for more research on their long-term safety.

When choosing a protein supplement, think about what it offers. If you get an adequate amount of protein in your diet, think about switching to a collagen protein supplement that can act as a complement to a protein-rich diet by providing you with the non-essential amino acids and collagen fibers that muscle meats lack.

zuCOLLAGEN: The amino acids you need.

Image of zuCollagen protein powder


Why you should switch your protein supplement.

zuCOLLAGEN offers a unique advantage over whey and plant proteins by focusing on the body's broader nutritional needs beyond just muscle repair.

While whey protein provides all nine essential amino acids, these can be fully obtained through a regular diet, potentially leading to an imbalance in amino acid intake.†

Plant proteins often fall short in both essential and non-essential amino acids.

Collagen, however, delivers a rich supply of crucial non-essential amino acids not commonly found in muscle meats, which our diets heavily rely on.

This makes zuCOLLAGEN an essential supplement to address collagen deficiencies, supporting muscle growth and enhancing the health of hair, skin, nails, and digestion. †

Its formulation is easily absorbed, thanks to being hydrolyzed, and it's sourced from various animals, ensuring a comprehensive blend of amino acids.

By incorporating zuCOLLAGEN, you're not just supplementing your diet but enriching your body's overall wellness, filling the gaps left by conventional protein sources.

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Overall my joints are much healthier and stronger since using UMZU collagen protein. Also chocolate brownie flavor is delicious!!

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Overall I have received benefits and both my nails and skin. After using your product my nails got much thicker and stronger. My skin seems to have more hydration and more elasticity.

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I have been taking this for almost a year and will not start my day without it! My skin is glowing at 57 and I feel GREAT!

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"One of my favorite supplements in my daily regimen. It's delicious, filling, macro-nutrient friendly, fits any diet. It is an ideal breakfast staple after a workout along with the umzu collagen in a protein shake. Both are easily digestible and are helpful in hitting my daily protein intake. I have tried countless other brands but have been loyal to Umzu as soon as I found them."


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