Is it healthy to cry? 8 benefits of being a crybaby

It’s not unusual to cry. Both sexes cry more than people assume. In the United States, women cry an average of 3.5 times per month and men cry an average of 1.9 times per month.

photo of a woman with one tear rolling down her face.


The 3 Types of Tears

It’s not unusual to cry. Both sexes cry more than people assume. In the United States, women cry an average of 3.5 times per month and men cry an average of 1.9 times per month.

Interestingly, humans are the only animals to cry tears. Unless you consider this recent study from Japan, that found dogs cry tears of joy when being reunited with their owners.

Humans produce three types of tears:

  1. Basal: The tear ducts constantly secrete basal tears, which are a protein-rich antibacterial liquid that help to keep the eyes moist every time a person blinks.

  2. Reflex: These are tears triggered by irritants such as wind, smoke or onions. They are released to flush out these irritants and protect the eye.

  3. Emotional: Humans shed tears in response to a range of emotions. These tears contain a higher level of stress hormones than other types of tears. The leading theory is that humans cry emotional tears as a way to release stress hormones.

8 Benefits of Crying:

People may try to suppress tears if they see them as a sign of weakness, but science suggests that doing so could mean missing out on a range of benefits. Researchers have found that crying:

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