10 ways to keep your pituitary gland in perfect shape

It’s also known as the master gland due to its pivotal role in regulating your testosterone levels. If a hormonal imbalance occurs, then the problem of origin can likely be traced back to this little feller.

3D render of a female brain anatomy lateral view, highlighting the pituitary gland


What does the pituitary gland do?

Without diving into all the scientific mumbo jumbo, all you need to know is that the pituitary gland is the main control center that regulates various bodily functions, such as body temperature, heartbeat, sleep, hunger, and thirst.

As mentioned, it’s also the central command station that sends signals to your testicles, letting it know when and how much testosterone to produce.

3D render of the inside of the brain showing all 4 parts of the pituitary gland


The 4 parts of the pituitary gland

The pituitary gland is divided into four parts: the anterior lobe, posterior lobe, the intermediate part that lies between the anterior and posterior lobe, and the pituitary stalk.

The anterior lobe, though, is the part mainly responsible for growth hormone regulation. This is the region responsible for the production of luteinizing hormones (LH).

LH is the “messenger” hormone letting the leydig cells in the testes know when it’s time to generate more T. It works by traveling through the bloodstream and binding to receptor cells in the testes and giving it the thumbs up to proceed with testosterone production.

Luteinizing hormones are regulated through a region called the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis. This area releases gonadotrophin-releasing hormones, which in turn, are responsible for binding to the receptors in the anterior lobe to stimulate the production of LH.

10 Ways to Keep Your Pituitary Gland in Shape:

Just as you can flush your body of toxins, you can detox your brain and improve its health. Poor lifestyle habits sustained over several years can cause the pituitary gland to calcify and inhibit its ability to do its job.

Food and supplementation are the key to pituitary gland decalcification. For starters, avoid common toxins found in foods. This includes refined table sugar, partially hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners (aspartame K), high fructose corn syrup, and other typical food ingredients with a scientific-sounding name.

Natural Pituitary Gland Support Supplements: