Why do I feel so bad after holiday eating?

Everyone knows that after a big bout of holiday eating, they’re going to feel gross. It’s the reason why there is a significant increase in search volume around weight loss plans and colon cleanses starting on December 26th. If you're searching, our #1 recommended natural colon cleanse this year is zuPOO by UMZU.

People sitting toasting with glasses of wine over dinner.


You know you feel gross after holiday eating...

But have you ever asked yourself “why” you feel so crummy after eating whatever you want for a few weeks? The answer might surprise you.

Fascinating new research from the University of Bonn has shown that the body may react to junk food meals similarly to a bacterial infection.

The University of Bonn study was conducted on mice placed on a Western-style diet. They all developed a strong inflammatory response throughout their body, similar to a dangerous bacterial infection. The unhealthy diet led to an unexpected increase in the number of specific immune cells in the blood of the mice.

Now, what happened here, and how would it apply to humans?

Woman holding a tissue blowing her nose.


The food you eat impacts your immune system.

Humans have evolved to eat and digest certain foods - and we spent a lot more time eating pure plants and animals from the Earth than we have eating the processed foods we’ve come to love.

Furthermore, scientists believe that around 70% of the immune system lives in the gut.† Why does this matter?

When we eat foods that the body doesn’t know exactly what to do with, it registers the food as a “foreign invader” and triggers an immune response and subsequent inflammation to fight off what it views as a threat.†

Woman laying down holding a tissue, not feeling well.


Inflammation and the immune system.

A continuous ongoing inflammatory response in the gut can affect the balance of bacteria in the gut and even the integrity of the gut lining - that is, how well the gut lining does its job.†

Endotoxins and undesirable bacteria may eventually leak through the gut lining and into the bloodstream. The immune system identifies these substances as foreign yet again and mounts another attack, causing more chronic inflammation.†

Ultimately, inflammation that stems from continuous immune attacks can decrease your ability to absorb the nutrients you need from food. The inflammation disables the gut microbiome, so it cannot effectively run your metabolism.†

When that happens, it can affect digestive health.† This state of being out of balance is called dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis can manifest in many ways. It may cause digestive problems, such as gas, constipation, or diarrhea. It may also cause brain fog, inability to focus, joint pain, headaches, and even skin rashes.†

Top down photo of a person holding 3 capsules in their hand.


So… what do you do about it?

Colon cleanses are particularly effective in times like these because they flush out the gut so you can start fresh. You should know that colon cleanses flush both good and bad gut bacteria, so colon cleanses are just a piece of the puzzle.

Following a colon cleanse, you must maintain gut health through eating probiotic foods or taking probiotic supplements and improve gut health through exercise, stress management, and a healthy diet.†

Are you looking to start fresh with a natural colon cleanse? Try zuPOO by UMZU to flush the gut and start anew.

zuPOO: Cleanse Your Colon and Start Fresh

10 Natural Ingredients to Cleanse Your Colon.

You should know what’s going into your body. Dive into each ingredient and learn why we chose them.

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All I can say is you better invest in a family pack of some high-quality toilet paper before you start taking this. Seriously, you are not ready for what is about to come out of you...

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Toiletry supplies are running low and me booty hole hath endured many a wave lad; this may be the last time I write. I'm penning this strapped to the porcelain crows nest. If this old salty dog don't make it, tell them I give zuPOO 5 stars for giving me a proper captains whirlpool.

Eryn A.
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Eryn A.

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Day 1: I don't think this product works.... Day 2 : Prayer stance over my toilet. Family pack of toilet paper gone. Bargaining for another day to undo all the wrong! Day 5: Product definitely works and will clean you out. I mean clean you out! Thank you umzu!

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"I use zuPOO to help clean out my system. I have bought this great product many times as it works great. I am a customer for life."

Mark B.

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